Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The moth radio response

1- MY opinion was it was much racism and police was getting to personal

2-One speaks nice to white the other was a little bit strict to the black.

3- They both try not to anger the cops and both spoke calmly.

4-The situition would change

5-They beleave cleaveland when they call his mom.

6-she chose this because of her race and it's for a grade.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intro talk for tkmb

1.Girls should act like girls
I disagree because Girls can act like anybody. This is a free country there's no law. But it is there choice to be what they are. my two examples are married to the same gender, my second there this movie when girl is disugise herself as a boy.
2.nobody is all good or all bad
I agree because the phrase don't judge a book by a cover  is true. you have to actullty know them. It is mean to judge someone by there apperence. one example is someone is ugly

Thursday, October 28, 2010

blog entry:2

What I like about blair high is that it has more room to walk and bigger libary. All the teachers are generaly kind and respectful.  The things I do not like school is that is more crowded and little lockers. My ideal school would have more active sports and would enter the school in more competive competions. I will not make students were school uniforms because it would be like private school. I don't want school to boring, I want it to be fun and exitcing! we would have the best teachers in the county! we would also have the best materals and tools!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

blog entry: Mandatory

I think it was wrong for George to shoot Lennie because even though Lennie did kill curley's wife everybody should be treated in a humane way. George shot lennie because he had to kill lennie in the most humane way which is in the head, Curley was going to shoot Lennie in the guts.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

blog entry 3

I think it is wrong for Calson to shoot Candy's dog because it's not human for to end anyone's life. it depends what animal it is if it's a dangerous animal then you could if it's small and helpless than you don't.